IA DR VG S Van Gogh church - Impressionism.Academy - Impressionism.Academy Art Courses. Impressionism.Academy network powerd by nuARTis art academy online classes

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Church of van Gogh
Explore Van Goghs signature-style in this drawing of a sacred building that caught Vincent's attention. Learn how to turn a rather dull building into Vincent's interpretation of it. Experience how to transform objects into a jelly-like curved expression with bent lines where they should be straight. Understand Van Gogh's core practice that is visible in vast numbers of his images. To produce true art, learn to express your individuality in original ways.
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PDF step by step tutorial

This PDF Lesson guides you how to create your Artwork.

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( Edition + Support includes 2x email tutoring )
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Masterwork Course

This Master Lesson teaches and guides you how to create your own outstanding Masterpiece.

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( Edition + Support includes 30 min online coaching for your best outcome)
Impressionism.academy is a free independent educational institution dedicated to art with the purpose of promoting culture and education.
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